Terms and Conditions

Thank you for contacting Jane Sutton/The Sacred Door. For legal reasons, we must advise you that readings are for entertainment purposes only. By requesting a session and/or scheduling an appointment or class with Jane Sutton you agree that Jane is not a medical professional, attorney, accountant or other licensed professional, and cannot give medical, legal, tax, financial or professional advice. Any information or advice given by Jane Sutton is not to be used by you in place of any medical, legal, tax, financial or professional advice or diagnosis from qualified and licensed professionals in those fields. Sessions by Jane are intended to offer insight into your personal life and do not in any way constitute medical, legal, tax, financial or professional advice.  Jane Sutton/The Sacred Door will not be held liable for any damages resulting from the use of this website, emailed information, other communication, or as a result of any session or appointment with Jane, or any persons or events related thereto, and/or any actions or decisions that you may make as a result, including without limitation, actual, incidental and/or consequential damages resulting from any claims resulting from any act or omission, negligence, fraudulent misrepresentation or otherwise, including without limitation, personal injury, death, loss of income, stress (emotional or otherwise), errors or omissions, or otherwise. Also, please note: Any reference to the word "healer" is used in the spiritual sense as a shortened version of "energy healer" or "intuitive healer" and does NOT mean a medical professional.

Event Policies

All Jane Sutton/The Sacred Door events are intended for an adult audience. All audience members must be 18 years or older. People under 18 years of age are welcome but must be accompanied by an adult. We suggest this because of the deeply emotional work or subjects that may be covered which are not intended for a younger audience. All purchases are final and non-refundable.


Jane Sutton/The Sacred Door does not store credit card details, nor do we share customer details with any third parties. Please see our Privacy Policy below for more information.

Refunds & Cancellations

If you have a customer service matter that needs to be discussed, please email [email protected]. All purchases are final. All purchases are non-refundable. Cancellations must be made with 24-hour advance notice. Two attempts to reschedule will be offered. All sessions are intended to support personal and spiritual growth. Those participating in the session must be 18 years or older, unless requested by a parent. You are responsible for the time and date of your session.

Session Policies

Jane's availability is based on Mountain Standard Time zone. All sessions are via Zoom, Face Time, other video services as available, or phone. You are welcome to record your session for your personal use only. We do not record sessions for you. All recordings are property of Jane Sutton/The Sacred Door and are not for public use in any way. If you are late for the session Jane will do her best to honor your time but sadly cannot go over the time allocated for your session due to her schedule. If you feel the session is not working for you or is not what you expected, you have every right to call it to an end. We invite you to know this within the first 15 minutes of the session and a full refund will be offered. If you do not say anything at the time Jane Sutton/The Sacred Door cannot offer a refund at a later time. The Sacred Door follows a strict cancellation and rescheduling policy. All sessions are non-refundable. You may reschedule your appointment with at least 24 hours advance notice with written documentation of an emergency.