Communicating with Crystals: A Journey into Stone Consciousness

Are you ready to see and communicate with crystals in a new, profound way? This six-week course invites you to experience crystals and other stones as sentient beings rather than mere objects for energy transference. Discover how to connect with and work with stones on a deeper, more intuitive level.

In this transformative journey, you will learn: 

  • The Hidden Lives of Stones: Understand how stones live lives separate from our perception, their altruism, spiritual evolvement, and the nature of their consciousness. 
  • Crystal Personalities: Explore the distinct personalities of different stones and how they experience daily life. 
  • Communication Techniques: Develop your ability to intuitively communicate with your crystals, learning their ways of teaching and the messages they have for you. 
  • Intuitive Synergy: Use your intuition to combine forces with stones, creating a harmonious partnership for personal growth and healing. 
  • Personal Messages from Jane: Benefit from Jane’s expertise as she tunes into your personal stones, providing insights and messages specific to your journey. 
  • Choosing New Stone Friends: Learn how to communicate with the crystals you already own and intuitively choose new stones that align with your energy. 

By the end of this course, you will have a deeper, more meaningful connection with your crystals, seeing them as conscious beings and learning to collaborate with them in new and enriching ways.

Join us for this enlightening experience and unlock the mysteries of the crystal realm.

Additional Course Features: 

  • Weekly Meditative Practices: Engage in guided meditations designed to enhance your connection with your stones. 
  • Personalized Feedback: Receive individualized guidance from Jane to deepen your understanding and practice. 
  • Resource Materials: Access a range of supporting materials, including readings, exercises, and crystal care tips. 

Embark on this six-week journey and transform your relationship with crystals forever. 

Jane offers a variety of spiritual services including intuitive readings, psychic medium sessions, soul retrieval work, and guided spiritual coaching. Each session is tailored to the individual's needs to help foster spiritual growth and personal insight.

You can book a session by visiting our website and selecting your preferred service. Alternatively, you can contact us directly via email at [email protected] or call/text us at 307.235.3540 to schedule an appointment.

During your first session, Jane will discuss your goals and any specific issues you wish to address. Whether it’s a reading or a healing session, Jane will guide you through the process and what you can expect to experience. Each session is conducted in a safe and supportive environment, aimed at fostering deep personal insights and healing.

Absolutely. Jane upholds a strict confidentiality policy. All information shared during sessions is kept private, and no personal information is disclosed without your explicit consent.

Alexa B
Alexa B
Dragonfly Healing and Wellness

“Jane has truly changed my life! She is so kind and has many years of experience and expertise in the field. Her intuitive guidance was encouraging, trustworthy and RIGHT ON POINT! I am so thankful to have met her and to have received readings and intuitive guidance from her. I cannot recommend her enough!!!”

Reiki Practitioner, Medium, and Hypnotherapist

“When my dark night of the soul began, I sought out Jane for her psychic gifts. Her medium reading was not only healing, but led to transformative soul retrieval sessions. Jane's intuitive guidance has been a crucial part of my journey to wholeness. I highly recommend her transformative sessions.”

Quantum Healing Room

“Jane is a truly gifted intuitive and psychic medium. The depth of her abilities is quite astonishing, and the insights she provides are both enlightening and actionable. She has become a trusted companion on my spiritual journey, offering guidance that helps me navigate life's path with confidence.”

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